Here is a unedited version of one of the Apr 2013 plr report from The report contain 23 pages. When you click on the link below, you will be able to download the report in PDF format for your review. This Building Your Self Esteem e-book comes as a set or 3 reports: 1 main, 1 summary and 1 checklist.
Apart from the PDF format, the reports also come with a doc format. You can edit the Words document and then convert to PDF for your distribution. I suppose, bare minimum, even you choose not to edit any word, you should place your website link in it for branding purpose. This report also comes with 3 version of graphics covers as shown in this page.
Click here to download the report for review
Do everything you can to increase your self-esteem. Feeling positive about yourself will ignite your passions for life and keep those fires burning. If you want to live the life of your wildest fantasies, apply the above strategies to pump up your self-esteem. You’ll love your wonderful life!